February 2022 Minutes
Present; Cllrs Stafford, Barlow, Stimson, Langstaff and Stancer, Merchant, Mackman, Clay and Sally & Allan Beal, County Cllr Redgate and the Clerk.
County Cllr Pepper.
Public Forum:
No members of the public present.
Minutes and Matters arising:
The minutes of the November, December and January meetings had been previously circulated and were` signed by the Chairman, as a true record. There were no matters arising.
Finance Report;
The Clerk reported the following cheques for payment which members agreed,
G Hawkes salary/expenses £ 344.40
HMRC £ 84.80
MGM £ 396.00 vat £66.00
S Allan Signs £ 468.00 vat £78.00
Business Prem £ 55,369
Current a/c £ 4,695
Less cheques £ 1,292
Balance £ 58,772
Members ratified the increase in the 2022-2023 precept of £500 to £14,500 agreed at the finance committee in January. We have been advised of a 10% increase from MGM for grass cutting and the finance committee will consider inviting tenders for the next contract.
Date of next meeting:
There will be a full council meeting on 6th April at Whaplode Drove.
Planning applications,
The Clerk reported that applications had been dealt with as per annexed and circulated to members.
Cllr Barlow advised that Hix & Co were progressing completion of the last two Farm Business Tenancies. The Clerk will write to garden allotment holder 1 re the tools left after he vacated the plot.
Star of India footpath:
The Clerk reported that he would action and this item will remain on the agenda until completed.
Whaplode cemetery report by Clerk:
Cllr Stafford advised that the remaining tree work had been completed, e had also no received the posts to delineate the parking spaces. The cemetery regulations need to be clarified regarding the removal of wreaths post Xmas. Cllr Langstaff will contact Lord Taylor regarding the supply of bulbs for planting.
Highway matters:
Whaplode St Cathrines – no issues
Saracens Head – no issues
Whaplode – Cllr Beal advised that budget had been allocated to resurface Whaplode High Road but as yet no timescale was agreed.
Whaplode Drove – The Clerk will complete the purchase of the 30mph signs, Cllr Mackman expressed concern about Chapelgate.
Whaplode Playing Field:
Cllr Merchant advised that the park was in good order but there had been some vandalism.
Whaplode Drove Community centre lease agreement:
The Clerk reported that he has a copy of the expired lease agreement and the names of the current Trustees he will now instruct Solicitors.
Whaplode St Marys church yard:
The Clerk reported that tree work was being completed by Sterma at a cost of £2,500 as previously agreed, the annual grant was being reduced to £1,000 as the council will be invoiced for hedge cutting of £1,500 per annum. Members agreed that the Clerk request a budget of expenditure each October from the church wardens for incorporation into the precept.
Whaplode Drove bus shelters:
The Clerk had received no reply from his report to the police about the damaged bus shelter in Farrow Road, this will be subject to an insurance claim, members agreed for Cllr Stancer and the Clerk to organize a replacement. Cllr Mackman reported that the fascias on the shelter in Broadgate need replacing which members agreed at a cost of £320.
The Clerk reported an email from Mrs Grundy about reducing the speed limit on Eaugate to Gull Bank, he will circulate to members.
The meeting closed at 20.20