February 2021 Minutes
Present; Cllrs Merchant, Langstaff, Barlow, Sally Beal, Allan Beal, Mackman, Stafford and Stancer. The Clerk.
Cllrs Stimson & Clay.
Public Forum:
Minutes and Matters arising:
The minutes of the November (2020) and January (2021) meetings have been previously circulated will be signed by the Chairman, as a true record and there were no matters arising.
Finance Report;
The Clerk reported the following cheques for payment which members agreed,
102015 G Hawkes salary/expenses £ 308.05
102016 HMRC £ 74.20
102017 MGM £ 360.00 vat £60.00
Business Prem £ 85,361
Current a/c £ 5,718
Less cheques £ 742
Balance £ 90,337
Date of next meeting:
The date for the next parish meeting is 7th April and finance meeting is the 12th May, the Clerk arrange a meeting in March if current lockdown restrictions allow.
Planning applications,
The Clerk reported that applications had been dealt with as per annexed and circulated to members. Cllr Beal commented that the number of back land development applications were a concern
Cllr Barlow reported that Hix & Co were still preparing FBTs for the parish allotment land where tenants had been advised and accepted terms. Once agreements were in place the next stage will be to register the land in the name of the parish council. Cllr Merchant was preparing a plan for some garden allotments to be made available in Whaplode from 04/2022, these will be sent to the Clerk for circulation to members.
Star of India footpath:
The Clerk reported that he would action and this item will remain on the agenda until completed.
Whaplode cemetery report by Clerk:
The Clerk reported that the demolition work had been completed and Cllr Stafford had completed some additional tree/shrub cutting and he will liaise with Cllr Barlow to enable removal of the trees from the cemetery. Cllr Merchant is doing a plan for the remembrance garden and reconstructed roadway which will be circulated to members. The parish council will then consider doing an application for funding to the wind farm.
Funding request Whaplode Playing Field:
The Committee had received a request from users to install additional seating but had been unable to fundraise due to the pandemic. The cost from quotes sent is £1525, Cllr Beal proposed to support which was seconded by Cllr Barlow and agreed by members.
Community speed watch:
Following a letter of concern from Mr Scorthorne about speeding in Whaplode District Cllr Beal confirmed that District are keen to support in the parish and will fund the purchase of equipment. Any progress needs sufficient numbers of volunteers to come forward.
There being no further business the zoom meeting closed at 20.15pm.