August 2021 Minutes
Present; Cllrs Merchant, Langstaff, Allan Beal, Sally Beal, Barlow, Stimson, Stafford and Stancer. Dist Cllr Redgate, the Clerk and one member of the public.
Cllrs Mackman & Clay, County Cllr Pepper.
Public Forum:
Malcolm Chandler referred to the planning application to demolish the Saracens Head public house for residential development. The building has historic significance and the amenity would be a loss to the village and should be considered as a community asset. Members agreed to consider his remarks when planning applications are discussed on the meeting agenda.
Minutes and Matters arising:
The minutes of the May and June meetings had been previously circulated and were` signed by the Chairman, as a true record. There were no matters arising.
Finance Report;
The Clerk reported the following cheques for payment which members agreed,
G Hawkes salary/expenses £ 339.20
G Hawkes salary £ 345.15
HMRC £ 169.60
Wilson Construction £37,920.78 vat £6,320.13
MGM £ 1,104.00 vat £184.00
Business Prem £ 85,365
Current a/c £ 20,241
Less cheques £ 39,877
Balance £ 65,729
Date of next meeting:
The date for the next full parish meeting is the 8th September in Whaplode St Catherines There will also be a finance meeting on 13th October.
Planning applications,
The Clerk reported that applications had been dealt with as per annexed and circulated to members. The Saracens Head application to demolish the public house was discussed and members preferred that the building be retained as a community asset but members of the community will need to put a proposal together. In the absence of community support then reluctantly the application should be supported.
Cllr Barlow advised that Hix & Co were progressing completion of the Farm Business Tenancies, he had also spoken to Mossop & Bowser regarding registering the parish council owned allotment land who had indicated a cost of £350 per field to register plus legal fees.
Cllr Merchant confirmed interest in the Whaplode garden allotment scheme and will look at costs.
The Clerk advised that he was in correspondence with South Holland Internal drainage Board about changes to drainage rates for 2021-22.
Star of India footpath:
The Clerk reported that he would action and this item will remain on the agenda until completed.
Whaplode cemetery report by Clerk:
Wilsons have completed the roadway and ward Councillors were pleased with the outcome. Cllr Stafford advised that we now need to plan planting for the remembrance garden and publicity. Members agreed for Mark Forth to be invited to the next parish meeting in view of his critical views on the condition of the cemetery – the Clerk will action.
Highway matters:
Whaplode St Cathrines – no issues
Saracens Head – no issues
Whaplode – Dist Cllrs are continuing dialogue on a possible proposal to look at a bye pass from Peppermint junction, a traffic survey will be completed shortly. Highways are likely to completely resurface the High Road.
Whaplode Drove – no new issues but many unrepaired pot holes.
Whaplode Playing Field:
Cllr Merchant advised that the playing field is currently very popular and there is now an active committee in place. Grants from the wind farm of £5,000 and £2,000 for equipment has been accepted. There had been some instances of vandalism.
Community speed watch:
Dist Cllr Redgate advised that 9 members of the public had been trained but none had taken up the invitation to contact the Clerk.
Adoption of BT telephone boxes:
The Clerk reported that the proposal to adopt the K6 box in Whaplode was out for public consultation. The Whaplode Drove box had been adopted by the parish council in 2015 and the Clerk had advised all interested parties.
Whaplode Drove Community centre lease agreement:
The Clerk reported that he had been advised by the committee that the lease expires in October. Members agreed in principle to renew on existing terms and the Clerk will liaise with the committee.
Whaplode swimming pool committee:
The Clerk reported that he had received an email from the committee Chairman advising that the fundraising had totalled £5,750 towards a target of £10,000, the Clerk was waiting for an up to date figure, and members are keen to offer financial support.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 21.00pm.