November 2020 Minutes


Present; Cllrs Merchant, Langstaff, Barlow, Sally Beal and Stancer.


Cllrs Mackman, Stafford and Allan Beal.

Dist Cllr Redman.

Public Forum:


Minutes and Matters arising:

The minutes of the September and October meetings have been previously circulated will be signed by the Chairman, as a true record and there were no matters arising.

Finance Report;

The Clerk reported the following cheques for payment which members agreed,

102004 G Hawkes salary/expenses £ 449.38
102005 HMRC £ 74.20
102006 PKF Littlejohn £ 240.00 vat £40.00
102007 MGM £ 552.00 vat £92.00


Business Prem £ 85,359
Current a/c £ 8,078
Less cheques £ 1,316
Balance £ 92,121

The Cerk reported that the 2019-2020 audit had been completed. Members agreed for the Clerk to purchase an annual licence for Zoom @ £119.90.

Date of next meeting:

The date for the next parish finance meeting is the 9th December 2020 and the Clerk will circulate details of the 2021 meeting dates to Councillors.

Planning applications,

The Clerk reported that applications had been dealt with as per annexed and circulated to members. The Blue Raye premises had gone to auction and part was under offer.

Cllr Barlow reported that Hix & Co were preparing FBTs for the parish allotment land where tenants had been advised and accepted terms. The rent demands for the old agreements were to be sent by the Clerk.

Star of India footpath:
The Clerk reported that he would action and this item will remain on the agenda until completed.

Whaplode St Catherines playing field:
The Clerk will email Cllr Clay to ensure there are no ongoing issues.

Whaplode cemetery report by Clerk:
The Clerk reported that all paperwork was in place and he had sent a letter to the Tointons detailing the terms for demolition. Members agreed that the Tointons could access the allotment cemetery extension land for vehicles. He will also contact Andrew Chick regarding installation of the bat boxes.
Cllr Merchant has given notice of demolition to SHDC.
Cllr Merchant also advised that a local arborist had volunteered to do a tree planting plan for the cemetery following demolition of the chapel and for the extension which members agreed to consider.

Precept 2021-2022:
The Clerk had previously circulated the budget figures and reported that our financial position will improve from the benefit of increased rent income. Due also to the economic impact of Covid-19 members agreed to keep the precept at £14,000.

Community speed watch:
District Cllrs Beal and Redman are keen to support in the parish and will fund the purchase of equipment. After discussion members agreed to support also subject to enough volunteers coming forward to implement following the appropriate training being completed.

General correspondence & general business;
The Clerk reported that a letter of thanks had been sent from Whaplode Primary school for the grant funding.
Cllr Stancer advised that substantial funding was available from the wind farm – more applications were needed.

There being no further business the zoom meeting closed at 19.40.