February 2020 Minutes


Present as per register.

Present; District Cllr Redman, District Cllr Coupland, three members of the public, and the Clerk.


Cllr Stafford

Public Forum:

Representatives of Whaplode St Catherines presented details of funding needed to replace the village hall roof, members after discussion resolved (Cllrs Merchant & Stimson), to provide £7,100 of funding, the Clerk is to contact LALC to clarify the VAT position.

Minutes and Matters arising:

The minutes of the December and January (finance) meetings having been previously circulated were agreed by members and signed by the Chairman, as a true record.

Police matters;

The Clerk advised that there was no report.

Finance Report;

The Clerk reported the following cheques for payment which members agreed,

101960 G Hawkes salary/expenses £ 379.99
101961 HMRC £ 87.60
101962 PK & M Grummitt £ 114.00 vat £19.00
101963 MGM £ 720.00 vat £120.00
101964 Carter Jonas £1,108.80
101965 S Mackman £ 400.00


Business Prem £ 85,294
Current a/c £ 15,053
Less cheques £ 2,810
Balance £ 97,537

Date of next meeting:
The date for the next parish meeting is the 8th April 2020 at Whaplode Drove, finance meeting 13th May.

Planning applications,

The Clerk reported that applications had been dealt with as per annexed.

The Blue Raye application was initially refused by SHDC at committee but after further discussion deferred subject to additional information. Cllrs expressed concern about lack of services, sustainability and impact on neighbours. Cllr Merchant will prepare a response to SHDC planning.


Cllr Barlow reported that Hix & Co will prepare up to date rent valuations for the parish allotment land. The Clerk advised that incorrect rent demands had been paid by T Smith and Clay & Partners, members agreed that the overpayment be sent to Carter Jonas as agents for the crown land and cheque number 101964 was issued in settlement.

Cllr Mackman confirmed that the road planings for the Whaplode Drove allotment roadway had been delivered.

Star of India footpath:

The Clerk reported that he had written to Mr Sampson seeking advance payment for 50% of the cost of reinstating the fence.

Highway matters:

Whaplode village – Cllr Merchant reported that the road bollards need cleaning and had been reported to fix my street. Cllr Beale had asked the SHDC pride team to clear the roads and footways of mud.

Saracens Head – all issues reported online.

Whaplode St Catherines – no issues, the interactive speed camera is in place.

Whaplode Drove – Cllr Mackman will advise all issues to Cllr Merchant who will report to fix my street.

Whaplode St Catherines playing field:

Cllr Clay reports the field in order.

Whaplode playing field;

Cllr Merchant reported field is in good order and funding is being sought of £10,000 for outdoor gym equipment.

The Elizabethan Centre:

Gravelling work on the car park has been completed, Cllr Mackman is trying to get more quotes to resurface the car park, funding is being sought for internal work.

Whaplode cemetery report by Clerk:

The Clerk reported that he has had an initial response from Greenlight Ecology in Lincoln but will seek a way forward so that the chapel demolition has a clear timescale and proposed cost.

General correspondence & general business;


There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.55