September 2020 Minutes


Present as per register.

Present; Cllrs Stimson, Langstaff, Mackman, Barlow, Sally & Allan Beal.


Cllr Stancer, Stafford, Merchant, Clay.

In the absence of Cllr Stancer, Cllr Barlow Chaired the meeting.

Public Forum:


Minutes and Matters arising:

The minutes of the May, July and August meetings have been previously circulated ere signed by the Chairman, as a true record and there were no matters arising.

Police matters;

The Clerk advised that there was no report.

Finance Report;

The Clerk reported the following cheques for payment which members agreed,

101989 G Hawkes salary/expenses £ 355.69
101990 HMRC £ 87.60
101991 MGM £ 552.00 vat £92.00
101992 Sth Holland Vol Car £ 1,024.33
101993 Whaplode Play Field Comm £ 1,300.00
101994 Whaplode PCC £ 1,200.00
101995 Whaplode Primary School £ 300.00
101996 Whaplode Drove Play Field £ 1,000.00
101997 Whaplode Drove PCC £ 1,000.00


Business Prem £ 85,359
Current a/c £ 12,962
Less cheques £ 6,818
Balance £ 91,503

Date of next meeting:

The date for the next parish meeting is the11th November 2020 at Saracens Head village hall if the lock down situation permits, finance meeting 14th October.

Planning applications,
The Clerk reported that applications had been dealt with as per annexed and circulated to members. The Blue Raye premises had gone to auction and part was under offer.

Cllr Barlow reported that Hix & Co had prepared up to date rent valuations for the parish allotment land, existing tenants had been advised and accepted terms, members agreed that FBTs can be prepared.

Star of India footpath:
The Clerk reported that he had visited Mr Sampson and copies of maps had been supplied. As the Sampsons were reluctant to accept any parish council previous proposal the clerk recommended and members agreed that the Clerk look into registering a caution against the property to confirm the boundary dispute.

Highway matters:
The Clerk advised members that the Highways team has visited Whaplode Drove to undertake corrective work.

Whaplode – Cllr Beale advised that he had reported some potholes and overgrown hedges. He would also report to the Clerk an area in Stockwell Gate where cars were being parked on a grassed area.

Whaplode St Catherines – no issues.
Whaplode Drove – Cllr Mackman had advised ongoing issues reported to Dist Cllr Pepper. New 30mph signs were required to replace existing ones that had faded.

Saracens Head – no new issues.

Whaplode St Catherines playing field: The Clerk will email Cllr Clay to ensure there are no ongoing issues.

Whaplode playing field;

No new issues.

The Elizabethan Centre:
Following the resignation of the three members of the committee the trustees have met and a new committee will be formed.

Whaplode cemetery report by Clerk:
The Clerk reported that he has spoken to Andrew Chick who is submitting the appropriate paperwork to apply for an endangered species licence to allow for demolition of the cemetery chapel.

Whaplode St Cathrines village hall – roof funding:
The Clerk reported that all roof work had been completed successfully.

General correspondence & general business;
The Clerk reported that Lincs County Council were supporting the replacement of the parish council website to meet current accessibility legislation.

Cllr Langstaff advised that a new committee had been formed at Saracens head following the replacement of the previous caretakers – a covid grant of £10,000 had been applied for.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.33