July 2020 Minutes


Present as per register.

Present; Cllrs Morris, Merchant, Langstaff, Mackman, Barlow, Sally & Allan Beal.


Cllr Stimson

Public Forum:


Minutes and Matters arising:

The minutes of the May (finance) meeting have been previously circulated and will be signed by the Chairman, as a true record at our next face to face meeting.

Police matters;

The Clerk advised that there was no report.

Finance Report;

The Clerk reported the following cheques for payment which members agreed,

101979 G Hawkes salary/expenses £ 392.16
101980 HMRC £ 91.60
101981 MGM £ 552.00 vat £92.00
101982 Green Steel & Cladding £ 11,880.00


Business Prem £ 85,347
Current a/c £ 29,639
Less cheques £ 1,036
Balance £113,950

The Clerk reported that the internal auditor had completed the 2019-2020 accounts and members proposed and agreed to approve the internal audit report. Members proposed and approved the Annual Governance Statement Section 1. Members then proposed and approved the Statement of Accounts section 2. Members then proposed and agreed that the Chairman sign the annual return as approved.

Date of next meeting:

The date for the next parish meeting is the 9th September 2020 at Whaplode St Cathrines village hall if the lock down situation permits, finance meeting 12th August.

Planning applications,
The Clerk reported that applications had been dealt with as per annexed and circulated to members. The Blue Raye application has recently been approved and members expressed concerns that the previous refusal had been overturned.

Cllr Barlow reported that Hix & Co ad yet to prepare up to date rent valuations for the parish allotment land, he will chase a seek the information by 1st August so tenants can be advised as soon as possible. 
The Clerk confirmed that garden allotment 3 had been vacated.

Star of India footpath:
The Clerk reported that Mrs Sampson had responded to complain following the last parish council letter that their boundary had not encroached into the bridleway. She will obtain a copy of the original deeds and the Clerk will visit to review.

Highway matters:
The Clerk has circulated Dist Cllr Peppers letter advising that the Highways team will visit to do corrective work in Whaplode Drove.

Whaplode – no new issues to report.

Whaplode St Catherines – no issues.

Whaplode Drove – ongoing issues reported to Dist Cllr Pepper.

Saracens Head – Cllr Langstaff would like to add an area to the SHDC grass cutting contract and will forward details to the Clerk.

Whaplode St Catherines playing field:
The Clerk reported an email from an SHDC housing officer about fly tipped rubbish. Councillors will visit to see what the problem is.

Whaplode playing field;
Cllr Merchant reported field is in good order and being prepared to be reopened post lock down.

The Elizabethan Centre:
Following the resignation of the three members of the committee the trustees have met and a new committee will be formed.

Whaplode cemetery report by Clerk:
The Clerk reported that he has spoken to Andrew Chick who is reviewing the bat reports completed to date and will advise the Clerk what need to be done to obtain the appropriate endangered species licence.

Whaplode St Cathrines village hall – roof funding:
The Clerk reported that he had received £6,000 and £2,000 from the village hall committee and the District Councillors, the parish council had received three invoices excluding Vat totalling £13,195, we have agreed to meet the balance outstanding up to £7,100. The parish council contribution will total £5,195 after we have reclaimed the vat part.

General correspondence & general business;
The Clerk reported an email from Charles Sly about the 50mph speed limit at the Millgate junction and members agreed for him to follow up with Lincs Highways.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.15