August 2019 Minutes


Present as per register.

Present; District Cllr Pepper 3 members of the public and the Clerk.


Cllrs Cleyton and Merchant and District Cllr Redgate

Public Forum:
Mr Chandler and Blaxter on behalf of the memorial hall committee advised that repairs costing £20,000 are required to the hall roof they are applying for funding but may need support from the parish council.
Allotment tenant Mr Munton requested clarification of the councils proposed allotment plans going forward.

Minutes and Matters arising:
The minutes of the May and June meetings having been previously circulated was agreed by members and signed by the Chairman.

Police matters;
He Clerk advised that PCSO Tracy Mason had confirmed that there were no issues to report.

Finance Report;
The Clerk reported the following cheques for payment which members agreed,

101921 G Hawkes salary/expenses £ 386.49
101922 G Hawkes salary £ 356.33
101923 HMRC £ 175.00
101924 Whaplode village hall £1,300.00
101925 Whaplode PCC £1,200.00
101926 Whaplode primary school £ 300.00
101927 Whaplode drove play field £ 1,000.00
101928 Whaplode drove PCC £ 1,000.00
101929 MGM £ 1,104.00 vat £184.00
101930 T Wilkinson £ 250.00
101931 Holbeach P C £ 50.00
101932 Keith Royle £ 140.00


High interest a/c £ 69,809
Business Prem £ 15,436
Current a/c £ 24,146
Less cheques £ 7,261
Balance £ 102,130

The Clerk reported that the 2018-2019 vat claim had been submitted to HMRC.

Date of next meeting:
The date for the next parish meeting is the 16th October 2019 at Saracens Head, finance meeting 11th September.

Planning applications,
The Clerk reported that applications had been dealt with as per annexed.

The Clerk reported that he had sent a second letter to Whaplode tenants seeking their intentions to continue tenancies or otherwise. Cllr Barlow reported that we intend to give tenants twelve months notice from October.
We now have an estimate of costs of using an agent from Hix & Co.
Members agreed for the Clerk and Cllr Barlow to have a further meeting with Mossop & Bowser for an update on what the process will be.

Star of India footpath:
The Clerk will contact Cllr Merchant for an update.

Highway matters:
Whaplode village – no new issues
Saracens Head – no new issues the Saltney gate lighting problem remains an issue which Cllr Langstaff has chased Nick Worth is dealing with this.
Whaplode St Catherines – no new issues
Whaplode Drove – Cllr Mackman is chasing progress.

Whaplode St Catherines playing field:
The field is being regularly cut by MGM and looks tidy.

Whaplode playing field;
In the absence of Cllr Merchant there was no report.

The Elizabethan Centre:
The Clerk will liaise with Cllr Mackman to complete a wind farm application and they will meet on the 21st August.

Whaplode cemetery report by Clerk:
The Clerk reported that he has updated the Tointons. Two further visits have been completed to review the bat situation and the Clerk will chase as the reports have not been received.

General correspondence & general business;
Members agreed that a new Red Cross training session be arranged at Saracens Head.

Members agreed not to progress with the dog bag dispenser project

There being no further business the meeting closed at 21.25