April 2019 Minutes


Present as per register.

Present; County Cllr Coupland, three prospective District Councillors and the Clerk.

The Police, Cllrs Hefford, Langstaff, Rout and Mackman.

Public Forum:

No matters.

Minutes and Matters arising:

The minutes of the February meeting having been previously circulated was agreed by members and signed by the Chairman. A brief update on the relocation of the Whaplode post office was provided by Cllr Chandler, any relocation is unlike to proceed due to the stringent conditions imposed by the Post Office.

Police matters;

No report had been submitted.

Finance Report;

The Clerk reported the following cheques for payment which members agreed,

101902 G Hawkes salary/expenses £ 740.03
101903 MGM £ 816.00 vat £ 136.00
101904 LALC £ 627.86
101905 PKF Littlejohn £ 240.00
101906 PWLB £ 56.06
101907 Sth Holland car scheme £ 1,005.80
101908 Carter Jonas £ 7,000.00
101909 G Hawkes expenses £ 25.00
101910 K Royle £ 150.00


High interest a/c £ 69,807
Business Prem £ 15,426
Current a/c £ 13,378
Less cheques £ 10,485
Balance £ 88,126

The revised bank mandate had been agreed by Barclays Bank and members agreed to the appointment of the Moulton P C clerk to be appointed as internal auditor.

Date of next meeting:
The date for the next parish meeting is the 15th May 2019 at Whaplode Drove Cllr Stancer will book venue.

Planning applications,
The Clerk reported that applications had been dealt with as per annexed. A letter had been sent by H Sharp & Partners about the land at Green Bank Whaplode Drove and a meeting will be arranged by the PCC for villagers to attend – the clerk will respond.

Cllr Barlow reported that the Crown had sent the deed of release for the crown land and members agreed for the Chairman to sign the deed.
Cllr Barlow reported that following the meeting with the solicitor a letter had been agreed with the Clerk for him to send it to all tenants with the half year rent demands.

Star of India footpath:
The Clerk will contact Mr Sampson to arrange a site visit.

Highway matters:
Whaplode village – The Pride in South Holland team linked to Keep Britain Tidy will visit on the 11th April.
Saracens Head – the Saltney gate streetlighting was still causing a problem as Highways who were reluctant to turn the light back on so Cllr Chandler will speak to Nick Worth. The 30mph passive signs will be erected by Cllr Chandler.
Interactive signs – data logging now happening and the Clerk will contact the LRSP about what happens with the data.
Whaplode St Catherines – no report.
Whaplode Drove – no new issues that had not been previously reported.

Whaplode St Catherines playing field:
The field is being regularly cut by MGM.

Whaplode playing field;
Cllr Merchant advised that the rocking horse had been damaged and Wicksteed are to provide a replacement to the damaged parts.

The Elizabethan Centre:
The Clerk had spoken to D Barford about the ongoing funding needs of the centre and the fund raising request to the wind farm fund and will liaise with Cllr Mackman.

Whaplode cemetery report by Clerk:
Cllr Stafford reported that the pot holes in the roadway had been filled in and a nocturnal bat survey would be completed in May.

General correspondence & general business;
The Clerk reported a thank you letter from he Whaplode Drove PCC.
The Clerk reported a further community speed watch training session on the 29th April.
The Chairman thanked Cllr Chandler for his many years of active service as he is not standing in the next election.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 21.10