June 2023 Minutes




Present; Cllrs Stancer (Chairman), Richard Barlow, Pam Langstaff, Alan Sally Beal, one member of the public and the Clerk.


A minutes silence was observed following the passing of Cllr David Stimson


Cllrs Merchant and Allan Beal.


Public Forum:

A resident of Saracens Head attended to express concern at the activities of the Lincs Lambretta dealer in Saltney Gate, the Clerk asked that photographic evidence be provided to be sent to SHDC Highways and Environmental Health teams.


Minutes and Matters arising:

On the proposition of Cllr Stancer seconded by Cllr Langstaff, the minutes of the full council meeting having been previously circulated and were signed by the Chairman, as a true record. The Clerk confirmed that the insurance claim for the bus shelter had been agreed and the Insurer were due to release the payment. Cllr Stancer will organize the replacement.


Police matters:

No report.


Finance Report;

The Clerk reported the following cheques for payment which members agreed,

            G Hawkes salary                            £      399.40

HMRC                                              £        93.40

BHIB Ltd                                       £      747.18

MGM                                             £       972.00 vat £162.00

S M Kent Ltd                                £   1,662.00  vat £277.00


Balances:            Business Prem   £  52,594

                                                Current a/c      £  37,272

                                                Less cheques £    3,874

                                               Balance           £  85,992


Date of next meeting:

There will be a full council meeting on 6th September at Whaplode and a finance meeting on the 9th August.




Planning applications,

The Clerk reported that applications had been dealt with as per annexed and circulated to members.



The Clerk reported that the renewal rents have been sent so we will have a better picture of what ones are being cultivated at both Whaplode and Whaplode Drove when rents are paid.



Whaplode cemetery:

Buttercup world will be installed on a plinth, ex Cllr Stafford and Cllr Merchant are making arrangements and obtaining a cost.

Members discussed ongoing maintenance work to follow up the huge efforts made in the last twelve months, Cllr S Beal will meet Cllr Barlow and the Clerk at the cemetery to establish what additional maintenance needs to be undertaken. We may need a survey of the cemetery to establish where we can release some new burial plots.


Highway matters:

Whaplode St Catherines – Mr Gledhill has written as he has moved into the old shop premises which incorporates the old telephone box adopted by the Council in 2014. He would like to buy it by making a donation to the village hall which members agreed.

Saracens Head – LRSP are looking at a new site for the SID, the Clerk has chased them for an update. Cllr Langstaff now has the new 30mph signs.

Whaplode – the Clerk will write to the Longhurst Housing Association about the grass being cut in Millers Rest. Cllr Beal reported an area of grass opposite Stockwell Gate that is cut by LCC but only twice per annum and is overgrown.

Whaplode Drove – all issues have been reported to Highways.


Whaplode Playing Field:

Cllr Merchant reported via email that the park was in good order and being well used.


Whaplode Drove Community centre lease agreement:

Members signed an authority from Mossop & Bowser to allow them to liaise with the Clerk on this matter.


Whaplode bridleway:

(1)The Clerk reported that he will initially speak to Mossop & Bowser for advice then write to Mr Sampson again, this item will remain on the agenda until completed.

(2) A house adjacent to the bridleway has been advertised for sale with parking spaces for two cars on our bridleway. The Clerk has written to the estate agent.


Parish estate and land responsibility

Cllr Merchant has contacted LCC and SHDC for plans, a review of contracts has been completed, the Clerk and Cllr Merchant will review in detail.



Cllr Stancer reminded members that they had agreed to request ex Cllr Redgate be invited to be co-opted onto the Council


The meeting closed at 20.05.