October 2018 Minutes


Present as per register.

Present; the Freepress (W Brown), two members of the public and the Clerk.


Cllrs Langstaff, Rout and Stimpson.

Public Forum:

Mr Barfoot attended as vice chairman of the Elizabethan club.

Matters arising:
The minutes of the August meeting and the September finance meeting having been previously circulated were agreed by members. Members reported that the Little Lane planning application had been refused. An order to reduce the conifer trees at Saracens head was also confirmed.

Police matters;
No report had been submitted.

Finance Report;
The Clerk reported the following cheques for payment which members agreed,

101880 G Hawkes salary/expenses £ 352.32
101881 HMRC £ 79.20
101882 MGM £ 456.00 vat £76.00
101883 M Seymour £ 400.00
101884 PWLB £ 56.06


High interest a/c £ 69,802
Business Prem £ 37,398
Current a/c £ 2,513
Less cheques £ 1,244
Balance £108,469

The Clerk reported that the auditor had prepared a preliminary report.

Date of next meeting:
The date for the next finance meeting is 14th November 2018 and parish meeting on the 12th December 2018 at Whaplode St Cathrines.

Planning applications,
The Clerk reported that applications had been dealt with as per annexed.

The Clerk advised that the Finance committee had reviewed the situation relating to the Crown land and had recommended that Carter Jonas be given notice that the council wished to relinquish the land this was proposed by Cllr Chandler and seconded by Cllr Barlow and agreed by members. The Clerk will advise Carter Jonas.
The Clerk will liaise with Cllr Mackman and Mr Dawes who wants to rent a garden allotment.

Star of India footpath:
Cllrs Merchant and Barlow have provided photographic evidence to the Clerk who will write to the house owners.

Highway matters:
Whaplode village – no issues.
Saracens Head – Cllr Chandler complimented Lincs Highways on the work on the A17 and the village aprons.
Whaplode St Catherines – no new issues.
Whaplode Drove – no new issues.
Interactive traffic indicators:
Cllr Chandler will charge and install the new data logging SID at Whaplode St Cathrine. The Clerk will order 30mph signs for Cllr Chandler.

Whaplode St Catherines playing field:
Cllr Clay confirmed that regular grass cutting is taking place.

Whaplode playing field;
Cllr Merchant reported that the play equipment for toddlers was now in place.

Whaplode sculptures:
No further update members agreed to move agenda item to the burial board.

The Elizabethan Centre:
Cllr Mackman reported that applications to the wind farm fund had been submitted for the bowls club £6,000 and badmington club £5,000.

Whaplode cemetery report by Clerk:
Cllr Stafford will liaise with the author of the bat report he also reported that the tree work was progressing from the front of the cemetery towards the chapel and will include work to tidy the overgrown graves. Mr Spenceley will arrange for repainting the front railings.

Whaplode village sign;
Cllr Rout had arranged some refurbishment work to the wooden frame and the sign had been refurbished and will be reinstalled on a new post.

General correspondence & general business;
The Chairman asked the Clerk to chase again regarding the Wesley Road play area.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 21.00